Project number:
Project name: Support to PAR in BIH
Short description: The project was aimed at assisting in a flexible way the ECDEL and the PARCO to develop and implement the PAR strategy.
For the time being the project focuses on policy-making and coordination; a joint working group of all CoGs has been established; a TOR will be developed for a joint project for all CoGs to develop and improve CoGs in BIH.
In addition workshops to specific topic can be carried out on the request of PARCO as well as comments to new legislation given.
In addition a study on federal systems was prepared: further follow-up is possible if requested.
Project Area: Policy making; civil service, HRM and general public administration
Donor: Policy-making: joint Sigma and DFID activity (since sep. mainly DFID)
Other above activities: Sigma (EC)
Implementing organization or partner: Sigma/PARCO
Implementation status: Completed
Duration: End 2007, but continuing when the new Sigma contract has been signed
Total Budget (€): About 110,000.00 in 2006/2007
Budget by years of implementation:


Contact person for Donor: Julio Nabais, Sigma Sigma fax: +33 1 4524 13 00 or 1305
+(33-1) 45 24 83 58